
Erasing the Year...

For the last two years I have written New Years posts and it amazes me how far God has taken my family and the fact that I am still blogging... I hardly ever stick to things like this. I saw a post today on Facebook about a New Years tradition in Grenada.  A friend recently moved there (I actually have no idea where...

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The Nagy Life

Bringing it to a close...

For 8 months, the Nagy's have been without Cable Television and Internet.  The decision of pulling the "plug" was a decision that was made due to financial reasons and was not an easy one.  The idea of spending our days without Nick Jr. and Sunday afternoon football was a frightening one... not to mention being disconnect from the "world wide web."  BUT... we...

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Family Cards

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas from the Nagy's... May this season bring much JOY and contentment and as the New Year springs forth, we pray blessings and new beginnings for you and your family. ...

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