The Nursery Reveal.
5:54:00 AMIt's 4am and I am sitting on my couch staring out the large picture window in my living room and I can literally hear a hoot owl outside. Yes, really. At first I thought it was a pitiful dog. But it's not. It's almost picture perfect besides the fact that am I up at the crack of dawn and this early morning thing is totally not my idea of fun. But after laying in bed for an hour with non-stop kicking in my belly and contractions, I could no longer lay still.
Don't worry. I may or may not be in labor. It's only my 4th child so surely I am not expected to know when my body is in labor, right? I mean I have only had contractions since 32 weeks and I may have only texted my friend Ashley who is on stand by 3-4 times swearing that it was "go time."
I find it pretty funny myself. I guess the excitement and the readiness overtake me and all of a sudden a few consistent contractions MUST mean that its time to pack the car, clean the house and hype up 3 very small children for no reason at all. Oh, the memories. Yesterday, Emma Jane said that if Porter was still in my belly at her birthday, could I still go down the water slides? Her birthday is in APRIL people... poor child is as ready as I am for this little babe to come out.
And now, I am out of words to write. I thought under the light of the moon and the singing from the owl that it would be a writer's paradise and that words would start flowing. But all I can think about is breakfast and how it should be served no matter what time you wake up. Which is why I think God gave me a family... otherwise I may be a Marriot traveler just so that I can wake up to the complimentary breakfast and coffee.
If you don't know me by now here is one thing you can learn... I hate to cook. Period.
I wanted to wait and show you once the final touches were in place and when every picture was hung nicely on the wall... but as I have realized with this whole house transformation, that "our thing" is always a process. And money doesn't grow on trees. So if I waited until my idea of "perfection" you would probably see the nursery reveal when baby #4 is two years old.
So here you go...
When just one crazy baby slept in this room.