Our Frozen Inspired Birthday Party

8:22:00 PM

This past weekend, Wade Nagy and I celebrated our 6 year old.  The words still blow my mind.  A six year old.  There was a day in my early motherhood where I thought I would never make it past the 3 month, no sleeping, constantly wearing spit-up stage with any amount of success.  And now I have a 6 year old, who is bright, funny and incredibly loyal to those that she cares about.  Which is pretty much everyone.  I have never met a 6 year old that cares about Jesus and the homeless man that stands out in front of Target all with the same amount of passion and love.  She loves whole-heartedly and she is full of words.  Given that this child rarely spoke until she was 3 and underwent some major speech therapy... she has by far made up for the loss.  She is a motor mouth and this weekend was no exception.

We had house guests (2 adults and 3 children) who came into town to celebrate her big day.  She was on cloud nine all weekend and it was such a great time.  

We started Thursday with the circus that we were blessed with.  That was a fun experience to start the weekend off.  The acrobats and the elephants were their fave.

Then the party began Friday night when Memaw and Pappy showed up a night before planned.  We went to a quick birthday dinner and finished up some shopping for the big party the next day.

And finally.
The day of the party had finally arrived.  And since we haven't quiet had enough of Frozen, we decided to bring it in to the 80 degree weather...

But before the party guests arrived... her daddy and I decided to start the morning off with gifts.  We always wake our girls up to us singing Happy Birthday and we open gifts immediately.  It is like Christmas morning on their birthday!  This sweet child had asked for this for the last two years.  But our finances have never quiet lined up... however thanks to a yard sale we were FINALLY able to say YES.  And i felt awesome.  Imagine how much your Father in Heaven enjoys saying YES to you?

If you wanna see the real excitement... check out this quick video I posted on Facebook. (HERE.)

 Her name is Joy.  A good way to remember this moment.

It was an awesome day and the highlight was the surprise visit from Elsa herself.  Thanks to the Wilmington Party Crew, they arranged Elsa to come straight from Arendelle herself.  Ej was a little timid at first but soon warmed up to her new friend.  As her mom, I could see in her eyes that she was so happy the whole time.  Elsa told her that freckles were kisses from angels... Ej has been reminding me of that all weekend.

The party ended on Monday after a hard goodbye with some of our favorite people.  But a promised next visit is in the making which makes this departure a lot less tough.  

Thank you to everyone who made my BIG girl feel so special.

We love you.

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  1. Love this post! How adorable.

    1. Thank you Leslie! It was such a fun time for our girls!



