This past Tuesday I did something that I had never done before. About 3 months ago, my pastor's wife, Harriet asked if I would be a part of the upcoming Esther series in our Women's Sisterhood group at church. She felt like the Lord had given her my name, along with 4 other women to teach about the book of Esther. Now let...
I was planning on announcing my good news with a fancy picture and a new blog post. But then the unexpected happened so here goes my news... About 8 weeks ago I had a dream. Wade and I were holding a baby boy in the hospital. All of the staff from LifeCC were there in the room and one of them was even...
This past weekend, Wade Nagy and I celebrated our 6 year old. The words still blow my mind. A six year old. There was a day in my early motherhood where I thought I would never make it past the 3 month, no sleeping, constantly wearing spit-up stage with any amount of success. And now I have a 6 year old, who is...
This weekend Life Community Church, our church that we love, celebrated their 10th year birthday. It was an amazing celebration for us and considering that we have only been a part of this family for the past 3 years, I can't even begin to imagine the emotion that was felt by our Pastors, Tim and Harriet. Saturday was a day of celebration where...