
My Heart Today

I have so many more "refreshing" posts that I should be sharing right now, but only one thing is on my mind today.  Since most of you have been following this roller coaster of a journey, from all the health issues to the financial struggles to the drastic "rescue" from God Almighty to TODAY, I wanted to share my heart.  My struggle for today. Wade had...

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Facing the Storm... Literally!

So far we have been in Wilmington for 4 months and we have endured our first tornado... An earthquake... (this is what comes up when you google east coast earthquake) AND now a hurricane... Irene. Last night we thought it would be a great idea to be "storm chasers."  Although the sky was still filled with sun and just a few clouds... the...

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I made a deal with God

I confess.  I made a deal with God. I use to do this all the time.  "God if you do this... then I will do that..."  or even better, "If you get me out of this mess, I will never do it again, promise!"  I am sure we can all relate to that one!  I have learned now that this is not always...

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Our Church

The Good Stuff

I am going to be truthful this morning... My intentions of writing this blog was to cheerfully write about the Joyce Meyer Conference that I went to this past weekend and about the amazing experience that I had last night at Vesta Village with LCC.  But right now at this moment, my heart is heavy.  I recieved an email from a dear friend...

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Family Adventures

Enjoying Summer. The best time of year.

These pics are from 2 weeks ago, when we went to visit my family in Statesville!  We had a great time, loved seeing everyone, enjoyed the lake and ate way too much food!  Thanks mom and dad! Lela loved the boat, hated the life jacket! She played hard and she also managed to convince her daddy to take the life-vest off.  As soon...

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Being a Mommy

Rest in His Presence.

Life has been busy.  You know the weeks...  where you seem like you have done everything and you have accomplished nothing.  I have had one of those weeks.  One would think that with Ej having gone to VBS this week, that I would have accomplished the world, but quite the opposite has happened.  By Wednesday I felt like my head was spinning, our...

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