LIVE Life with Persistence.

10:50:00 AM

We have a little crawler on our hands, a little girl who is now getting excited about kindergarten and loves to ask questions about Jesus and little chubby tot who loves to dance and lift her hands high praising Jesus as her daddy.  I have a husband who is successfully conquering the growing pains of a new company (his new job) and is constantly trying to live out the true compassion of Jesus Christ in his day to day actions.

With all that said... The Nagy Life has been busy, full of changes (good and not so good) and lots of living.

I was asking God what I should write about today.  It's not very often that I have two at preschool, one sleeping and a quiet house with worship music playing in the background.  ahhh...

I felt like the Lord wanted me to write about persistence.  If you know us well... then you know how upfront and personal Wade Nagy and I are about our life.  We are very real and don't really mind sharing details of our story.  God's story.

We have walked through some pretty trying times, but looking back on each circumstance we can see how His plan has prevailed through each thing.  We can also see that even though we could not make sense of the situation that He had His ultimate control over it and that really... we shouldn't have worried at all.  Because in the end, it will be okay.  So we are learning to rest in His sovereignty.  We are learning to realize that when things don't make sense to us, that ten times out of ten, He is working things to our advantage.

This state of rest doesn't come easy... it is usually a choice, a mindset or even sometimes a I am going to throw in the towel because I can't do anything about it anyways kind of attitude.  This form of rest brings peace amidst the storm, understanding that we cannot explain everything we go through and a release that takes the pressure off of us doing it all ourselves.  This rest also brings about persistence.  If we cannot rest amidst the storm that we are going through then we will tire out and lose sight of the prize.  If we grow tired and weary, then we cannot be persistent.  And if we cannot be persistent in what God has called us to do, then we will give up and convince ourselves that if it isn't happening for us right away, then it must not be God's plan.

I have been there before.

But God wants us to live life in expectation that He is ready to do the IMPOSSIBLE for your behalf.  That He is READY to make all things new and that He wants to see your heart's desires fulfilled.


Because He is a dreamer himself.  You cant tell me that the God of the universe who thought to make the caterpillar life cycle and the rivers that flow into the oceans is not a dreamer.

My God is the Creator.
The Ultimate Dreamer.
The Ultimate Fulfiller.

And it is He that breathed His Breath of Life into you so that you could dream His dream and fulfill His destiny that He has for each of you.

So be persistent.  Ask Him, Thank Him and Believe Him for what He wants to do inside of you, through you and for you.  And then rest in knowing that your persistence in His faithfulness will be rewarded.  That God will deliver.


If you've read this far... then you must really love us. :)
Sorry for the long winded bio.

This year, the Nagy Family is believing God to breakthrough in several areas of our life.  We believe that this year will be the year that God plants us firmly into a house.  A house that Wade Nagy has built based on the fact that this dream is impossible for us, but POSSIBLE for God.  A house that we have been dreaming of since we were two young kids dating.

We also believe this to be the year that God opens up and sheds light into the ministry that He has called us to.  We both know that ministry is not in where we are, but what we do.  However, the passion for more is something that is constantly a prayer of ours.  We believe that God is going to continue to expand Wade's passion for teaching and sharing the love of Jesus to the broken and my desire to tangibly give out the love of Christ is going to unite and that God will open up more doors to do this in our city, our nation, and our world.

And finally...

We declare this year to be the end of autoimmunity diseases.  That God will heal my body completely, restore the energy that He has destined me to have and rid my body of any sickness and disease that He did NOT intend for my life.  I believe that He has continued to call me into the knowledge and empowerment of how to take care of my body through exercise and diet and now... He is going to do the rest.  He is going to take away the sickness that I cannot do for myself.  I believe this for me and my church body.  I say no more to sickness in Jesus Name.


Thanks for reading and thanks for praying.  God has a plan for you and it is so much more than just living a day to day routine.  
He has more for you.

With Love,
The Nagys.

Enjoy the pics.

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  1. In Jesus' Name! Amen and amen! I loved reading this! You know, when we are going thru a hard time and feeling "defeated" we get sick.....a lot. It's the enemy up to his same ole tricks and I heard one of our pastors tell a story one time and it really made an impact on me. He said he taught his small children to pray the armor over themselves and in one whole year of doing it every night, they bought ZERO antibiotics! It inspired me to design some "armor" flashcards that we're gonna sell in the shop soon. :)



