1st Day of Preschool!

3:09:00 PM

Today was Ej's first day of preschool!  Being a former teacher... I think I get more excited about this learning opportunity than she does, which is my excuse as to why I wasn't even slightly sad when this day came about!  I was all smiles and so was Ej.  We awoke this morning, had a delicious breakfast, told daddy goodbye and it was then I realized that we were late.  Again. 

 I sped things up and got them both dressed as quickly as possible.  They must think this is a normal relay race, because I seem to always throw them in their clothes like a whirlwind and scurry them out the door. 

Off to preschool we went, cheering and singing and loving every minute.  I did a few of my encouraging speeches while driving...  "Be nice even when kids are not nice to you..." "Remember that Jesus loves you and he is always with you..." " Be nice to the teacher and tell her if anything is bothering you..." and lastly... "We are going to walk in happily and play with our friends and we are NOT going to cry..."

The anxiousness began before we even entered the room.

We walked in and I immediately saw the nervousness come out of my once beaming little girl.  I walked in with her and we washed our hands, hung her backpack in her cubbie and I saw the finger twitching begin.  Then came the..." I don't want you to leave..." 

So I took this opportunity to take pictures and get a feel for the classroom...

I sat down with her to color and all of a sudden she looked around and saw that I was the only mommy in the room.  She looked at me and said, "You can leave now.  Give me a kiss and a hug!" 

Praise the Lord!!  Progress.  Much needed progress. 

This was her immediately following my departure :)  I stuck my arm out with my camera on zoom, just to be sure she wouldn't see me.  The teacher thought I was probably nuts.


End of Day Report:

She had an awesome time!

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