Bring out the Walkman!

3:27:00 PM

Remember the Walkman?  You know... the first portable tape player that had the big headphones (yes, they were called headphones because they were the same size as your head).

Well, I didn't bring out the Walkman, but I did dust off the MP3 player this morning in hopes that it would motivate me for my workout on the elliptical. 

My MP3 player may be more advanced than the ancient Walkman, but the music was definitely "Old School'...  It has been years since I had used it, so the song choices were selections that aren't played on my now 24/7 choice of K-Love Christian Music.  I have to say, the lyrics may not have been the best, but it sure did "light a fire" in my workout mode... 

Who can't work up a sweat when Ice, Ice Baby, Hammer Time and Sir Mix Alot (you know the song) are being blasted in your ear?!?!  Some old school country and of course some much needed, Dirty Dancing soundtracks were also nice!

Needless to say... my workout was LONG, but went by super fast!  However, I may have to do some song editing and add some more encouraging music, but I think is is safe to say that I will be keeping some of my Old Favorites...

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  1. oh my goodness, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE k-love! It has truly changed my life. I am ashamed to admit some of the songs on my iPod that I haven't used since college! ha! did you hear about k-love's 30 day challenge? they are challenging people to commit to listening to k-love for 30 days and see how it changes their life. It will b/c most Christian songs are God's word, taken right from scripture! Love it!



